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Fern Plant
Dr Marie Doole



Throughout a wide-ranging career in local and central government, the not-for-profit environmental sector, academia and private consulting Marie has developed a unique and multi-faceted understanding of the key challenges in environmental protection and the management of regulatory systems. 

Complex systems need people that understand how they function at all levels and how all the parts connect. Marie moves easily between strategic and operational spheres and can support a wide range of clients.


Marie holds a Bachelor of Science, a Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Management, a Masters in Environmental Legal Studies (all from the University of Auckland) and a PhD from the University of Waikato. She is known for innovative research and analysis and has produced a range of high impact books and reports over her career in addition to operational roles. She is not afraid of challenging topic areas, complex issues or breaking new ground in a discipline. 

When Marie is not working, she can usually be found in the ever-expanding gardens and orchard of the Masterton lifestyle block she shares with her young family; husband Aaron and two little daughters. 

Examples of previous work

PhD thesis: a seminal analysis of compliance with ecological compensation/biodiversity offsets under the RMA (completed 2013) 

Key research books and reports when with the Environmental Defence Society, including Vanishing Nature: facing New Zealand’s Biodiversity Crisis  

The first national scale analysis of environmental compliance and enforcement with Last Line of Defence

Strategic research into the role of community conservation in protecting nature and how to best fund and coordinate it 

The design and delivery of the first and second regional council regulatory performance reporting initiative (now in its 6th year) 

Design and delivery of the first and second transparent regulatory performance reporting reports under the Waste Minimisation Act 2008, providing detailed public facing information on the Ministry’s only regulatory role for the first time 

Policy design, approval and drafting support for the Natural and Built Environment Act 2023 compliance and enforcement provisions 

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